Thursday, February 9, 2012

Houston... We Have a Problem

Here is my problem... I really love to buy things. I not only buy things faster than I can sell them - I buy them faster than I can list them. So, my problem right now looks like this:
These are most of the things I haven't listed in my Etsy shop yet that I intend to try and sell. Oh wait, that's just the toys... Here are the books:
And the sewing patterns:
I intend to get out from under this pile of things. For starters I have been sticking to my guns about not buying anything new until I get 75% of this pile listed and 25% of it sold. It has been a week and so far so good - I haven't bought anything! Yeah! So the pile isn't getting any bigger. But is it shrinking?

So far this month I have sold 14 items on Etsy and drafted 42 listings! Between yesterday and today I've cleaned up and photographed 56 items. I think it might be near impossible to reach my goal by the end of February, but I'm fine with that. I've got something big to reach for!

I'm joining up with ApronThriftGirl for her February listing challenge:
Check it out and see what other people's goals are this month!

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