Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend Finds

I'm in a bit of a time crunch - I am defending my thesis on June 9th, so I've been spending a lot of time on revisions and just finishing things up in that department. So I'm a bit late posting my finds from the weekend.

I went out for a little bit on Friday and Saturday mornings. I went to one estate sale on Saturday and picked up (yet) another copy of my favorite cookbook - the 1970s Betty Crocker cookbook. I keep picking them up in hopes that I will find one in pristine condition. I gave the best one I had to my mom for Mother's Day so she has a nice copy (hers is really beat up!). Besides that I didn't find anything - there was a small Sprite that had been used as a dog toy and a Gonga plush with a really chewed up hand. I did not bring those home.

Earlier on Friday I had quite a bit of luck thrifting and at a garage sale. Pictured above and below are the items that I picked up! I was especially pleased with the Friend Bear Plush - such nice condition! I also oddly enough broke my 'I will never buy a Cabbage Patch Doll" rule. I don't know what came over me. There was also another troll... but it was really sticky! Gross! I'm pretty sure it was just the plasticizer leaking out (at least that's what I chose to believe)... but I was still grossed out. I put that in a bag to donate back to the thrift store.

I'm a little behind this week - but if you would like to check out what fun things other people discovered on their thrifting adventures this weekend please check out Thrift Share Monday on the ApronThriftGirl blog!

Please also stop by my Etsy store for a great selection of vintage toys and childrens book! Thanks!
Manatee's Toy Box on Etsy